What is a Cell? ~ Biology

Atomic building block of matter, the building blocks of all living things in the cell in the universe. Single-celled organisms, all vital activity and ends in a single cell. Groups of cells within multicellular organisms form different structures etmesiyle tissues, organs, tissues come side by side, to a combination of organs, systems, systems of the organism occurs in the community. Thus, each cell of the organism to be a certain task in a system with lirli tavzif would have taken place as is.

Cells are living in a social subject. Cells with other cell populations, in community with other communities made on the basis of each cell are found in the relationship. Dependent on the cells located within each community, a balance that is vital cells are found in other communities. Without disturbing the harmony of each cell through the cell alakaları made on the basis of this universe of billions of living things act in accordance with current laws Traditional magnificent vital activities of cells with different forms and serve as mutual assistance, solidarity, unity and togetherness is provided with.

 Of cell populations was established with care and chaotic regularly scheduled fine division of labor that stands out, in itself, each cell works as a state. Been reviewed electron microscope until cell, protoplasm (peltemsi amorphous material within the cell) to stand in the molecules of a globule sanılırdı random wandering. Scientific investigations at the end, close to the cell nucleus, appears to be irregular, the network spread in the form, consisting of a reticulated cisterns were discovered, that the ER Endoplasmic reticulum is a network of protoplasm, ie, the statement said. This devious and complicated structure, the world's most beautiful architectural works were being constructed in a more perfect structure. Endoplasmic reticulum with the discovery of the Compulsory protoplasm h4 mixing bowl Mixing Bowl was demolished the theory, scholars now; çarpışmamaktadır molecules in a cell by chance, slim tubes and sacs in all directions to the elements of this life and all parts connected to each other side-the Labyrinth (winding road), accurate, disciplined and in a coordinated manner are referred to (1) he were to admit. Place in the organism, regardless of the shape and acts as a cell, its structure in the cytoplasm and in the kernel, cytoplasm to the cell membrane that surrounds the outside consists of three basic structures. Ten millionth of a millimeter in thickness of the outermost one Angstrom A Â ° which is too thin to be measured with the cell membrane, similar to the chemical senses of taste and smell, and so far acted as if there is a recognition system works with keşfedilememiş, at any time yutabilmektedir wanted. Rations necessary time to take a cell, the outer part of the membrane protein in the form of a finger is extended and the water droplet or chemicals comprehend, then breed a pit, and this is extended forward to pitting, exogenous chemicals, oil is filtered through a layer of the cell, thereby get their food. The cell membrane, intracellular and extracellular in order to ensure balance is, in a way that fulfills the perfect control of the elements entering and leaving. The cell membrane, continuous contact with other cells and that the kernel has a communication system. Minutes, thousands of tiny chemical activity in the cell occur one after the other, expressing all the physiological and biochemical events in cell viability (metabolism), a provincial governor has set up the throne as the core, the DNA (nucleic acid Dezoksiribo) orders are executed. Each cell can synthesize their own in the vital ingredients, to repair and demolition continued vitality ettirebilecek command the force of the DNA at the very top of its duties is and sees droplet acid. DNA in the cell all the chemical hadiselerde regulator (regulator) plays a role, acting as an officer is TASK. This Article was Viewed Read Times.

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