What is a Gene? ~ Biology

GeneBiologyGene, a unit of heredity. Genome sequence of identifiable location, transcribed, regulatory and / or the functional areas of a region. 
With the complexities of gene regulation and transcription, according to a new gene and a recognition of the self, "the same class (protein or RNA), functional products that encrypt, potentially overlapping, the combination of genome sequences." Gene, the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Every gene, protein or RNA molecule with a specific function, such as the nucleotide sequences of chromosomes consists of a certain point. Classical genetics, the same biological functions according to deter them to a not managed and mutual recombination of alleles and genes are not allelic. Allelic genes, genes that are effective on the same property. Classical genetics the gene is used as a sub-unit.

And combinations of mutations in the genes is considered to occur. Heredity event, directly depends on the behavior of chromosomes in mitosis and meiosis and fertilization. Numerous units of inheritance of each chromosome, the genes are. Inheritance of a character, but opposite to each other when the two conditions can be examined. Mendel's studies on which peas and wrinkled seed shape characteristics are as smooth morphology. Such individuals may live only one of the opposite conditions. Therefore, the genes are allelic.The same locus in homologous chromosomes, sometimes two or more genes of the alternative characters "allelic genes" is called. Smooth and wrinkled seeds, such as genes that determine morfolojislerini. Genes are genes display of symbols, as the dominant phenotype in which the names of properties are usually represented with the word capitalized.
For example, mice with a predominance of black color black color inheritance in mice for the "S" with the letter, because it is recessive brown "s" is represented with the letter. The dominant genes are usually wild-genes. If the recessive genes, is considered to be the dominant mutant gene. Diploid organisms that are effective on a property, ie, the two gene alleles that the genotype is always written with two letters. For example, pure black, SS, pure brown, ss, is shown as the hybrid Ss. Recently, homozygous recessive phenotype feature a small initial letter, is used to show the mutated gene. However, "s +" "+ s" or "+" symbols, such as is used to show the dominant gene. If you need to take into account individuals eşeylerini One crosses, before the female's genotype, the back of the female sign (), then the crossover, which is the symbol "X" mark and sign over to his right, and then written to the man's genotype.
For example, the SS (s + s +) X ss (pp). Male and female işartei when there is no icon on the right into the hen, the left icon is considered masculine. During cross back, ancestral gene pair in terms of sexes are reversed. For example, instead of the SS X ss, ss, such as X SD. Alleles in gametes and haploid organisms, the genes for separating couples are shown in one letter. For example, such as S and s. GEN is a piece of DNA that code for the synthesis of the enzyme. Each has a gene responsible for synthesis of the enzyme. This Article was Viewed Read Times.

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